Eeeek A Bug! by "Cajun" David Richard Another issue, another progress report, another list of bugs fixed and/or uncovered. Does it ever stop? Nope, not as long as we have new projects on the horizon. Following are some of the bugs fixed in some recent releases, and some features that will be worked on in the near future. Escape Velocity 1.0.5 Matt Burch has been diligently working on this new version of Escape Velocity. This is the version that everyone should be playing. The main reason is that all older pilots that previously couldn't be opened by previous versions of the program (usually as a result of a crash or other incident) should now be able to be used in v.1.0.5. However, there are some things that EV 1.0.5 will not fix. For instance, if you had a Rebel Cruiser and could not launch your Mantas, 1.0.5 will not change this fact because the pilot file is telling the game that you have no Mantas. You will have to buy a new ship or start a new pilot to fix this problem. Here is the list of changes in version 1.0.5 of Escape Velocity: • Fixed a bug that would sometimes negatively affect your legal status when destroying pirates and aliens. • Fixed a bug that would sometimes kill off pilots for no apparent reason (pilot files from 1.0.4 or before affected by this problem can now be used again). • Fixed a bug that would sometimes make hyperspace lines disappear from the map. • Selling the current weapon will cause it to be deselected if necessary. • Escort ships' fighters are no longer catatonic. • New, more-detailed graphics for all ships. • Beam weapons should no longer leave stray pixels behind. • Incorporated update registration tool. • Finally fixed disappearing cargo bug (no really, I promise this time). • Ship-to-ship communications dialog indicates if a ship is a hired escort. ColorSwitch Pro 1.1.0 ColorSwitch Pro is also getting a little polish and shine. This new version fixes several bugs, but the most obvious change will be the addition of the Network and PPP modules. These modules act as shortcuts to the Sharing Setup and PPP control panels as well as the Chooser. You have control over AppleTalk, File Sharing, and connecting and disconnecting your PPP account. Also, several of you have asked for a version of the Display module that would allow for the turning off of the optional screen resolutions (the ones in the italics) in the interest of space and simplicity. However, we were unable to do this in one module, so what we have done is released a basic version of the Display module on our Add Ons Web page. To use it, simply download it an move it into the ColorSwitch Pro Modules folder. It will load up automatically. Here is the list of changes in version 1.1.0 of ColorSwitch Pro: • New Modules: PPP Control and Network. • Fixed crash on pre 7.5 systems when display floating registration dialog. • Prevent crashes from within certain programs when drawing port is not properly set up, such as NetFinder. • Fixed crash when loading custom modules with only PowerPC support. • Displays module now properly lists all resolutions when running in System 7.6.1 or with AppleVision 1.5.2. • Displays module now properly enables and disables color depths when running on the Mac IIsi, IIvi, IIvx, and others. • Displays module now distinguishes between resolutions with identical names when creating and invoking shortcuts. • Displays module no longer clips the names of long resolutions. • AudioCD module now allows full control of audio playback when using NEC and certain other CD-ROM software. Previously only allowed play and eject functions. • AudioCD tracks submenu no longer disappears between selecting the item and dragging to the submenu. • AudioCD module no longer performs "live scrolling" on the volume slider. • Shortcuts module is now able to control certain modules, but prevent them from saving and restoring their states as part of Application shortcuts. • Fixed obscure bug in Shortcuts module which might cause specific settings to be listed more than once. • Better data caching scheme means the ColorSwitch Pro menu draws faster after the first time. • Fixed bug in Registration application which would not correct lowercase serial numbers, so that they were considered bogus later. • Updated documentation to reflect new features. Snapz Pro and Eclipse We also have plans to upgrade Snapz Pro. The main feature we will be adding is the ability to save in different image formats, such as GIF, TIFF and JPEG. Also, we will be working out a few incompatabilities that currently exist between some video systems. Currently, we are still sorting through all of the reports and are formulating an upgrade strategy. Eclipse is also in the same boat. We want to release a new version that has several new features, but we are still sifting through all of the requests to find which ones will work out best. One of the often requested features for Eclipse has been energy conservation. We are currently looking into the possibilities of including such a feature in Eclipse. Look for announcements for both of these products in future issues of The Ambrosia Times. If you run into any problems that are not mentioned here or have any questions about any of our products, please drop a note to